Saturday, September 9, 2023

Disallow, Medical Care That is Accepted, Medical Association, Meaningless, Conversion Therapy, Torture, Montana State Rep. Zooey Zephyr

“If you disallow the use of medical care that is accepted by every major medical association … the only therapy left is either A) meaningless or B) conversion therapy, which is torture. If you are forcing a trans child to go through puberty when they are trans, that is tantamount to torture. And this body should be ashamed.” - Montana state Rep. Zooey Zephyr (D), the first openly transgender woman elected to the Legislature; after her forceful remaks concernings a bill (now law) that prohibits gender-affirming care for minors, she was banned from the House floor by her colleagues for the remainder of the session.

Found in Ms. Magazine, Summer 2023, page 6.

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